Electric Scooter for Kids Antioch California

Electric Scooter for Kids Antioch California

B. inggris B Complete the following text with the correct answer in the box My father is very (1)...for me. He brought me up to sensitive, cheerful sensible as well as trustworthy person Smile My father. Rendi, has a medium (2)..... In his early fifties. Moreover, he is slim and has got short grey (3).......but he is becoming bald. My father's face is (4).... He has small blue (5).....which are very nice as well as long (6)....and small ears. He tends to wear casual clothes like jeans and T-shirt My father is a (7)......person who likes to (8).....
..everyone. Moreover, my father is so generous Furthermore, I could (9)..... with him about my problems because he is (10).... and he keeps my secrets He has always told me that the worst thing is when we don't tell the truth​

B Complete the following text with the correct answer in the box My father is very (1)...for me. He brought me up to sensitive, cheerful sensible as well as trustworthy person Smile My father. Rendi, has a medium (2)..... In his early fifties. Moreover, he is slim and has got short grey (3).......but he is becoming bald. My father's face is (4).... He has small blue (5).....which are very nice as well as long (6)....and small ears. He tends to wear casual clothes like jeans and T-shirt My father is a (7)......person who likes to (8).....
..everyone. Moreover, my father is so generous Furthermore, I could (9)..... with him about my problems because he is (10).... and he keeps my secrets He has always told me that the worst thing is when we don't tell the truth​
  1. important
  2. height
  3. hair
  4. round
  5. eyes
  6. nose
  7. sensitive
  8. help
  9. talk
  10. trustworthy ✔️


Terjemahan bebas:

Ayahku sangat penting bagiku. Dia membesarkanku menjadi orang yang peka, ceria, dapat dipercaya. Ayahku Rendi, yang tingginya sedang. Di awal usia lima puluhan. Juga, dia kurus dan memiliki rambut pendek beruban, tapi mulai botak. Wajah ayahku bundar. Dia memiliki mata berwarna biru dan kecil yang sangat bagus, juga hidung panjang dan telinga kecil. Dia sering memakai pakaian santai seperti jeans dan T-shirt. Ayahku adalah orang yang peka, yang sering membantu orang lain. Juga, ayahku sangat murah hati. Dan, aku bisa berbicara dengannya tentang masalahku karena dia bisa dipercaya dan dia menyimpan rahasiaku. Dia selalu mengatakan kepadaku bahwa hal terburuk adalah ketika kita tidak berkata jujur.


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